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Fourth Degree/color & honor guard- Knights of Columbus; Member, 55 & Up Ministry at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church; Member, New Life Choir , OLOG; Member, OLOG English Choir; Captain, Minister of Hospitality, OLOG; Member, Choir, GOLDEN TONES @ the GPBSC; Member, GPBSC of Palm Bay, FL.; & Chairman, Fil-Am Block Rosary Group of Florida.



Hello my dears friends and readers! Here I am again. Yes, I have to be with you always you in spite of my busy-ness during this holiday season and simultaneously working on my five books. Surely, you’ll like all my books. You can have a copy of any of my books as a keepsake from me. I have shown you almost everything in my website, except that I have to have some additional spices to sprinkle into it. For us to enjoy and appreciate life, we must act and get connected to the outside world. The food, even with just a dash of salt, tastes good. How much more if we add more spices to it. Out of our own abode, we get exposed into the social world. The big screen in real life! Once we get exposed into the big screen, we meet people of different interests and backgrounds. We find ourselves, reacting with other people in all walks of life. And that make a lot of difference in our own little world as we perceive it. We belong to a community and to a church where we worship with people of the same faith. In a community there’s a need for helping hands and the same thing
with the church. As a Catholic, I belong to Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, which I give my helping hands to them. For male practicing Catholics, we can join the Fraternal Organization, as we called the Knights of Columbus. I belong to that group as a fourth degree doing my work as an honor/color guard during important occasions and celebrations of the church, community or our assembly. I felt so honored and dignified every time I wore my KofC regalia. I am also a member of the 55 & Up Ministry of our church, to help raise funds for the church and our group. I belong also to two Choirs: the OLOG English Choir and the New Life choir. And to community where I belong: The Golden Tone – raise funds for the Senior Center. Working as a Volunteer is so far the very best work that one could ever have. Happy Holidays to all the Volunteers and to all the readers of my books.

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