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gift of



No greater gift has God given us than the gift of faith; that deep and steadfast inner knowing that no matter what happens, we can call upon the help of higher power, higher than ourselves, to see us through.


Were it not for our faith, we would not dare to dream the dreams we reach and strive for. Were it not for our faith, we would give up too soon, back down too quickly, and walk away too abruptly from the challenges and obstacles that appear in our paths. Were it not for our faith, we would abandon those who need us when times get tough. Were it not for our faith, we would turn our backs on our own neighbors when disaster or tragedy strikes.


Faith is the invisible glue that binds us together, that holds us fast to our visions of what our lives can be. Without faith, we are weak, frightened creatures hiding our heads in the sand. Without faith, we would have never become the free and powerful people that we are. Just remember how the American people responded to the wake of 911. It’s because of faith. Without faith, we would have never dared to try anything that’s impossible to do or tried to survive  in moment of tragedy.


But with faith, we can do anything, be anything. We can climb the highest mountain and touch the stars. We can fall and get up and fall and get up again, never surrendering, never giving in. With faith, we are warriors of the heart and spirit, bold and brave and true. Let’s give thanks to our good  God for giving us the gift of Faith.

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