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Living one

at a time




Our lives are made up of a million moments, spent in a million different ways. Some are spent searching for love, peace, harmony, and happiness. Others are spent surviving from day today. But there is no greater moment than when we find that life – with all of its tears, sorrows, and joys – is meant to be lived and enjoyed one day at a time.


It’s in this perspective in life that we find to discover the most wonderful and amazing truth there is…whether we live in a castle, surrounded by a couple of dozens of servants and wealth, or find it a struggle to live in a small nipa hut, we have within our power to be fully satisfied and live life to the fullest meaning.


Living life one day at a time…we have that ability, by savoring each moment and rejoicing the day the Lord has given us. We can experience each day, with a fresh start, new hope, and aspiration, leading us to make our dreams come true. Each day is new, and it enables us to truly enjoy life and live it to the fullest.


There may be times when we get up in the morning and things aren’t the way we hoped they would be. There will be new challenges to face and changes that we have to experience in life and face it in our own special way. So when the days come to us that are filled with frustrations and disappointments, that’s the time to remember that putting things in a more positive way, will bring forth positive results.


Talking about survivors. Survivors are people who have faced adversity and won. They’ve had all the odds against them, yet they’ve found a way to reach their goals and they don’t allow themselves to live in pain forever. Like me, I’m a survivor of three adversities as I journeyed through life in the past. Survivors face the future with purpose because they believe that God and time are on their side, and each effort will pay for itself. Survivors know how to make the best of life – by living life one day at a time.


As human beings, we’re not perfect, and we’re not supposed to be. But that’s not always an easy thing for us to realize. The best thing we can do is to do the best we can, and always leave room for God to work on us. We don’t make it alone in this world. We’re lucky that there are people placed in our path to guide us, protect us, and touch our lives in their own special way so that we can get through it all…by living life one day at a time.

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